A great start...much work ahead

A great start...much work ahead
Photo by Quino Al / Unsplash

Greetings friends, and welcome subscribers!  We are excited to share our first site update with you.

Bro. Mark and Bro. Brandon traveled to Santiago, Chile and took part in the youth camp hosted by Worship Tabernacle (Tabernaculo de Adoracion) from February 1 to 5.

Bro. Mark presented 4 sessions highlighting a few of the problems that technology is now creating for all of us, and specifically how it can affect young people.  

See the sessions here

We also asked the youth to fill in an online survey giving some us feedback about the way they perceive the risks online, how they are individually overcoming, and whether or not they felt this project was valuable.

The results were overwhelming - sobering, that the problem is as great as we feared, and encouraging, that we are undertaking something worthwhile and necessary - even essential.

We received 250 survey responses, the vast majority in Spanish.  Respondents were a good balance of men and women, with slightly more sisters responding than brothers.  Here are the main takeaways from the multiple choice questions:

Over 64% of survey respondents answered that it was "probably necessary" or "definitely necessary" to have holiness online.
When asked how well they are overcoming the dangers of the Internet, only 10% responded that they are overcoming every day. Over 50% responded that they are overcoming sometimes, once in a while, or not at all.
More than 85% of respondents indicated that the Choose Digital Holiness website would help them either "very well" or "extremely well".
More than 75% of respondents said they would like to continue to receive electronic updates from the Choose Digital Holiness site.
More than 80% of respondents said they would recommend the Choose Digital Holiness website to others.

There was also an open-ended question asked of the respondents to see which features or content they would like to see on the website.  We are going through those responses, and will likely send an update sharing those results and asking for member feedback to decide which features are most valuable and highest priority.  

Needless to say, the results are clear; we must press forward to provide as much support to Christians young and old in these dangerous times.  

In order to respond to the needs described in the survey, we are doing the following:

1. Creating an overall plan, start to finish, with steps you can take to pursue Digital Holiness in your own life.  We call it the Digital Holiness Roadmap.

2. Developing resources for pastors and churches to use with their own congregations, and young people.  This will include sample slides you can use to make presentations, and ideas for discussion.

3. Publishing a book on digital holiness that will describe the concepts involved, and an overview of the suggested Digital Holiness Roadmap.

Since this ministry is in its founding stages, we want to encourage YOU to get involved, as we design tools that we hope will be helpful to address a clearly identified need.  If you have any ideas or feedback, or things you would like to see, please let us know!

If you haven't already done so, please subscribe to the website here.

If you have suggestions for features or content, please share them with us at choosedigitalholiness@gmail.com

Thank you for your interest in this ministry.

Mark Aho and Brandon Kessir, founders.