A simple guide to overcoming

A simple guide to overcoming
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz / Unsplash

Sometimes we desire for someone (a pastor, parent, respected elder) to set a standard for us to live by.  The Gospel instructs us not to just follow a law, but to become the law.  For some people, they may be able to overcome temptation and time waste without any filters or restrictions on their device.  For others, they may need to use the built-in features on their devices to limit their use, restrict their access or in other ways help them to overcome and live a victorious life in Christ.  Some may need to get rid of their device completely, or find a device that only allows them to make phone calls or text.

The most important thing is to find what works for you.  This simple scale can help you identify where you currently are in your device usage, and if you're struggling to be victorious where you are, then keep moving up the scale until you are able to overcome.

The Digital Intervention Scale

Wide Open Device

Standard Features

Extra Apps

Accountability Buddy

Guardian Angel

Walled Device

Device Free

Each color represents a level of intervention to keep the notifications, apps and content from leading you to stumble spiritually.

Wide Open - No intervention in any way to control the your device.  This may work for some individuals, but experience with people of all ages shows that most people who don't need any intervention on their device are ones that don't use or like to use technology.  For individuals who are more comfortable with technology and use it easily, nearly everyone could benefit from some level of intervention, even if it means to just reduce notifications or reduce time wastage.

Standard Features - Tech companies have seen the statistics too, and whether from genuine concern or legal obligation, have added many features that can support you in protecting yourself online.  These include restrictions on how apps can notify you, track you and have access to your data, as well as settings to limit usage of apps, restrict the content on your device or even prevent you from using the device at specified times.

Extra Apps - There are many downloadable apps from developers other than the device manufacturers that offer solutions for online holiness challenges. If the features on your device are not enough to support you in keeping from the filth available on the internet, then finding additional apps with more powerful features could be very helpful.  And they don't have to feel mean or intrusive, as some are supportive and positively reward you for making healthy goals and sticking to them!

Accountability Buddy - The scripture has a lot to say about the strength of a partner to help when you're facing the enemy.  If you're having trouble regulating your online habits, a friend, family member or trusted brother or sister in Christ can be very helpful to support and hold you accountable.  Chances are they could use some help too, so you can keep each other accountable.  Depending on what types of help you need, setting up the password protected features on each others' devices is a great way to share in each others' success.

Guardian Angel - Sometimes we just can't trust ourselves to be able to control our devices, even with help.  If that is your situation, then it's important to find someone to be your guardian angel.  Share your challenges, let them advise you on how to approach your device usage, and give them permission to set controls on your device that will support those principles.  They'll do more than just control your device, they'll also pray with you, encourage you and counsel you.

Walled Device - If you want to keep holiness online, but even the help of others isn't enough, there are still more intensive interventions available.  There are apps that will restrict your device in as much force as you require.  Prevent apps from being used or even installed, prevent access to certain websites or even the internet browsers completely.  If your heart truly wants to run to evil things, it will take more than this to keep you from finding another device to accomplish that purpose.  But if you want to do well but just can't, this can be a very useful starting place.

Device Free (No device) - Believers have lived for thousands of years without a device that connects them to everything good and evil the world has to offer, and you can too!  If you've tried everything else on the intervention scale, it's more important to cut off your device completely than to let it ruin your life now, and cost you eternal life as well.  There are a few modifications to no device, like getting a phone that isn't capable of downloading apps and connecting to the internet, or changing your device cellular plan to remove data roaming.  But whatever it takes to separate you from the temptation and struggle, it is worth it!