Breaking the Spell of Medusa

Breaking the Spell of Medusa
Can you look away?

The Greek legend Medusa, was one of the most dangerous of all goddesses. If she could ever catch a warriors gaze, she could turn him to stone, if he could not look away. They knew that, but her gaze was so magnetic, so spell-binding, it was almost impossible.

You're thinking-silly fools! I could break away--how hard is that?

But could you?

Online platforms invest huge amounts of money and reasearch into making it difficult for you to break away. They create addictive patterns, by tapping into your deeply felt needs, to keep you coming back.

Its no secret that this is bad for you, and there is plenty of research to prove it. READ MORE

Warriors who stared at Medusa KNEW it would turn them to stone. They KNEW it was bad for them, but still her gaze was so powerful, so inviting, they would become paralyzed.

Because of this, they were trained not to look at her in the first place--even the strongest ones. The locks of her hair were like snakes, that would slowly wrap around you, and entangle you.

Online platforms have lots of these snakes. They tap into your need for approval, your need to feel accepted and "liked." They slither in and locate all of your interests, your desires, your social circles, your emotions, and the pulls of your sinful nature. They weave this into a web that so entangles you, you can't get away.

None of this happens accidentally. Behind your little screen, there are teams of psychologists, experts in human nature, that devised these traps. There is artificial intelligence, that constantly probes for your weaknesses.

There are hundreds of experts, and millions of dollars of research invested, to get you under the spell of Medusa. Its killing you, yet you "want" to stay.

People under this spell do silly things, like deny mountains of research. They rationalize that its not effecting "Me." They pretend that they are the ONE exception--the ONE person who can safely swim among the sharks.

Rationalizations like this are the cry of the true addict.

Their Medusa is making a fool of them. The truth is, they CAN'T break away, so they try to justify it, and deny they are caught.

But if they ever could--if they could ever break out of it for a little while, and look back, they would realize they had been hypnotized.

Those who have escaped testify to this--and they are NEVER going back there again!

How did they do it? It can be done.