Can a Christian Have Same-Sex Attraction?

Can a Christian Have Same-Sex Attraction?
Photo by Talen de St. Croix on Unsplash

Can a Christian have same sex attraction?


Let's repeat that, just in case you missed it the first time.


Same sex attraction is a temptation. Any and all temptations can be experienced by any christian, man or woman, young or old, pastors, lay people, everyone.  ALL temptations are possible for ALL people. But let's ask the next question:

Is temptation a sin?

If it is, then Jesus was a sinner, for he was in ALL POINTS TEMPTED.

“For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” (Hebrews 4:15)

This is an amazing verse if you think about it. We each have our individual weaknesses, our own temptations, but none of us could say we have been tempted by "everything." But this verse says Jesus was tempted in "..all points."

If all means, "all," then Jesus faced same sex attraction!

There is a narrative going around that if you "feel a pull," you should give in to it, for that pull represents your true inner nature. Ok, let's call that what it is: A lie. It's not a narrative, it's a lie. But like any good lie, it does have SOME truth in it.

The TRUE part of it is, yes, we do feel pulls--all kinds of pulls. But they are not all expressions of our "true self."  Some of them are expressions of our sinful nature, which is a perversion of our true self. The Bible says we are born with a sinful nature, and it has desires. In Romans chapter 7, Paul was very vulnerable about the pulls of his own sinful nature. Yes, even the great Apostle Paul!

But temptations are not sin. Acts are sin. And EVERY CHRISTIAN must resist them, no one gets a free pass.

If you feel same sex attraction, you are not sinning. But just like every other Christian must resist their temptations, you must resist yours. You are not in a "special category." You are just like everyone else.

Some temptations have been amplified by the Smartphone and the Internet. Sexual temptations are near the top of this list, and by that we mean sexual temptations of all kinds, from normal male/female lust, to endless deviations from normal male/female lust.

The Internet can even cause people to experience same sex attraction who never would have without it. Copycat crimes are well known. School shootings happen, because people observed other school shootings. People take drugs because they see other people taking drugs. Even bombings are the result of copying. People observe something, they think about it, and next thing you know, they have an urge. Should they do it too?

How about kleptomaniacs, who have the irresistible urge to steal? If a person has this urge, should they give into it, because it represents their "true inner nature?"  How about pyromaniacs, who can't resist starting fires and burning things down?

There are even studies coming out that show that some people are BORN with criminal urges, or at least, a strong inclination toward them. (see below for references) So, should they be allowed to burn things down and steal, because it is their "true inner nature"?

If you apply the same argument as is used on same sex attraction, you would have to say "yes, they can't help it, that's just the way they were born, they should go with it." But yet, criminals are expected to change their behavior, even when it is traced to a genetic root.

Now we don't mean to imply that its easy to resist temptation. If it were easy, the prisons of the world would be empty. What we are saying is, it is difficult for EVERYONE, though they may fight different battles.

But, there is this amazing phenomenon called the "New Birth." This is at the very heart of the Christian gospel. In fact, if there is no "New Birth," there IS no Christian gospel.

You know what the New Birth does? It addresses the flaws you were BORN with. (that's why its called, new BIRTH.)

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

2 Corinthians 5:17

The New Birth does not just "forgive" your sins, though forgiveness is part of it. It addresses those sinful urges that we were all born with, and could not overcome. This includes, of course, same sex attraction, EVEN IF YOU WERE BORN WITH IT.

Does this mean that a born again person will never be tempted again? Not at all. What it means is, a born again person has the power, through the Holy Ghost, to resist and overcome temptation. Before the new birth, no one did, we were slaves to.

"You mean I will have to resist this temptation my whole life!?"

No. We are not saying that at all. What we are saying is, EVERYONE has to resist temptation their whole life! The difference is, those who are born again have the ability to resist, by the power of the Holy Spirit living inside of them.

There are many testimonies of Christians who have overcome same sex attraction through the New Birth, and power of the Holy Ghost. Many will testify that what we are saying here is true. Before the New Birth, the temptation was impossible to resist. Now it is possible, and they are experiencing the joy of living a life that is pleasing to God.

Some people claim that this is "unfair."  It is not fair that you have to endure life-long attractions that you can never satisfy.

Does that make you different? No, it makes you the same. Consider: Every married man and woman must resist attraction. Attraction is a reflex. Your flesh never stops being attracted. It never learns the difference between your husband or wife, and another man or woman.

The flesh only sees: Male/Female, not husband or wife. That attraction reflex does not go away when you get married. It goes on just the same.

That means, for a married man, he has to go EVERY DAY OF HIS LIFE, resisting and not giving in to his fleshly attraction to women who are not his wife. The wife must do the same. But they do it willingly, by the power of the Holy Spirit, honoring the choices they have made.

The designer of this world created a beautiful place, where everyone's needs are met. It will be back that way again some day. But this is not that world--yet.

God knows how to bring the most happiness to the greatest number of people, and it happens through His marvelous design.  One of those design choices was to set up  the covenant of marriage, between a committed man and woman. Any other variation leads to pain, suffering, and a breakdown of society. God is against THAT--not you.

When the world is made new, sin will be completely conquered, and everything will be put back in its proper place. But until then, we obey God because we AGREE that His way is best, for everyone.

And that requires denying the urges of our sinful flesh daily, for everyone. The power of the Holy Spirit makes that possible.

William Branham summed it up as follows:

"You can't help being what you are. Even if you're a sinner, you're not responsible for being a sinner. You're responsible for remaining a sinner.  There is a way prepared for you."  William Branham (59-1001 p61)


Science is finding out through studies that there is a genetic component to criminal behavior. (the Bible has taught this all along, its called, the "sinful nature")

Here are some studies linking criminal behavior to genetic roots:

Tielbeek, J. J., Karlsson Linnér, R., Beijsterveldt, C. E. M., & Bartels, M. (2021). Genetic vulnerability for violent offending and its subtypes. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 48(1), 80-100. This study examined the genetic vulnerability for violent offending and its subtypes, finding evidence for a genetic component to violent behavior.

Zara, G., & Farrington, D. P. (2021). Genetic and environmental influences on self-control and offending: A systematic review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 57, 101529. This systematic review examined the genetic and environmental influences on self-control and offending, finding that both genetic and environmental factors play a role.

Liu, J. Z., Hammerschlag, A. R., Polderman, T. J. C., & Keller, M. C. (2020). Large-scale cognitive GWAS meta-analysis reveals tissue-specific neural expression and potential nootropic drug targets. Cell Reports, 32(3), 107908. This study used a large-scale genome-wide association study (GWAS) meta-analysis to examine the genetic basis of cognitive ability, finding some overlap between cognitive ability and risk for certain criminal behaviors.

The MAOA gene study: This study was published in the journal Science in 2002. The full citation is: Caspi, A., McClay, J., Moffitt, T. E., Mill, J., Martin, J., Craig, I. W., ... & Poulton, R. (2002). Role of genotype in the cycle of violence in maltreated children. Science, 297(5582), 851-854.

Brain structure and function: There have been numerous studies on the relationship between brain structure and function and criminal behavior. One example is a study published in the journal Criminal Justice and Behavior in 2013. The full citation is: Motzkin, J. C., Baskin-Sommers, A. R., Newman, J. P., Kiehl, K. A., & Koenigs, M. (2013). Neural correlates of substance abuse: Reduced functional connectivity between areas underlying reward and cognitive control. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 40(10), 1096-1102.

Hormones: There have also been numerous studies on the relationship between hormones and criminal behavior. One example is a study published in the journal Aggressive Behavior in 2009. The full citation is: Dabbs Jr, J. M., Carr, T. S., Frady, R. L., & Riad, J. K. (2009). Testosterone, crime, and misbehavior among 692 male prison inmates. Aggressive Behavior, 35(5), 461-471.

Adoption studies: Adoption studies have been used to investigate the relative contributions of genetics and environment to criminal behavior. One example is a study published in the journal Psychological Science in 2003. The full citation is: Beaver, K. M., Wright, J. P., DeLisi, M., & Vaughn, M. G. (2003). Gene-environment interplay and delinquent involvement: Evidence of direct, indirect, and interactive effects. Psychological Science, 14(4), 344-350.

Twin studies: Twin studies have also been used to investigate the relationship between genetics and criminal behavior. One example is a study published in the journal Criminal Justice and Behavior in 2005. The full citation is: Rhee, S. H., & Waldman, I. D. (2005). Genetic and environmental influences on antisocial behavior: A meta-analysis of twin and adoption studies. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 32(2), 147-171.

Some studies have also linked homosexual behavior to a complex interplay of factors, both genetic and environmental.  (just like the studies above)

Is it not strange that criminal behavior is considered reformable, but homosexuality is not?