Temptation: The First 20 Seconds

Photo by Stanos on Unsplash
Photo by Stanos on Unsplash

Could you resist a marshmallow if you got 2 marshmallows 15 minutes later if you did? I know what you're thinking. Why would I care? I could get a whole bag of marshmellos--IF I even like them.

But for kids much younger than you, that's a much bigger question. They love marshmallows, and the only way they get one is if someone GIVES it to them.

This was part of an experiment published in 1972 that was testing for the discipline of "delayed gratification." Kids were used in the experiment, and the point was to try to predict their future success in life, based on their ability to delay gratification, while facing temptation.

Now, that was a pretty bold goal, to test for such long term effects, with such a small and early indicator. In the end, the data was inconclusive about the futures of the kids. But it did discover something else accidentally: The biggest factor was not if they could resist the marshmallow for 15 minutes, but if they could resist it for 20 seconds! If they could, all the other factors faded into statistical nothing.

From this, we learn something very important about "impulse temptation." It only lasts 20 seconds! There are other kinds of temptations, longer term ones, for example. But internet platforms are built on impulse temptations, short-term bait, a sprinkling of "marshmallows" all around you.

And these aren't natural marshmallows, and they aren't random temptations. They are temptations engineered to poke at your proven weakest spots. We all know that.

The Bible tells us to resist temptation. (1 Cor. 10:13) RESISTANCE is what you do AFTER you have done everything you can to AVOID temptation, and you are still faced with it. The time will come, when you will have to simply resist it. But...for how long?

The first 20 seconds of impulse temptation are extremely strong. Platform developers know that, in fact they are banking on it. Like reaching out for a treat, your mind grabs the bait, almost before you have given it much conscious thought. The first thing you need to do is recognize when it is happening, and it is more subtle than you might think.  (Link to--Why do you never see hippopotamuses hiding in trees)

But while the battle is hot, and you are in the throws of that incredibly strong urge to Click!, Respond!, Watch! Post! --whatever it is asking you to do-- (and you KNOW you shouldn't) --remember--this super strong urge is ONLY about 20 seconds long! If you can outlast it, it will fade.

Here's a little trick to help you through those 20 seconds. This tactic has been tested on other young people, and it really works. How long do you think it takes to recite the verse below? You guessed it, about 20 seconds.

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
Phillipians 4:8

Now, if you are tempted A LOT, chances are you will memorize this verse rather quickly. It is like a "block" in Karate. A punch is coming at you, and the verse comes up and "blocks it."

Also, you may have to throw up more than one block. The same temptation may come at you several times. But, it does not get longer, or stronger, it's just another 20 second temptation. So you can keep blocking it by reciting this verse, and eventually, it will quit coming.  (but a different punch IS coming!)

One young person found this tactic so effective, that even the first two words of the verse were blocking temptations.

He even printed the words "Finally Brethren," and taped it to the door of his room. Then, when he went into that room, the whole verse was already playing in his head! This was a smart tactic, because he had identified his room as one of the places where temptation was strong on him.

Are you giving in to temptation? Are you exhausted just thinking about spending years in constant resistance? Are you almost ready to give up?

Good news! You just have to learn how to win 20 second battles!

Give it a try.

Here is one young person reciting the verse:
