When your parents "just don't get it"

When your parents "just don't get it"
Photo by Pawel Czerwinski / Unsplash

As a young person, chances are you are more astute with using technology than your parents. You grew up learning it as a native language, they had to learn technology as it came to them as adults.

But, not only do they not understand your smartphone and what you do on it, they don't understand YOU, your needs, your desires, your world. So why should you listen to them?

I confess, I am writing this article as an older person, a father with children, maybe children your age. But if that is your question, may I pose a question to you? If you are 16, do you remember being 8? Do you remember what it was like for you a few years ago? Where you went to school, who your friends were, what was important to you? You do? Did you make any mistakes back then, that made things harder for you?

If you could "write a letter" back in time, to your younger self, would there be a few things you could say? Chances are, yes, with your older perspective, you could make things a bit easier on yourself.

Ok, project ahead 10 years. Do you think, 10 years from now, you will remember what life is like for you right now? If you could--by some time machine miracle--ask your 10 year older self for advice on how to deal with your world today, would you take the answers from your older self seriously? Well, of course, its... yourself, that "person" would have YOUR best interest in mind, right? But what if that "older self" started telling you some things you did not want to hear...or do? Would you still listen?

I think you are getting the point.

As a parent, I admit I do struggle to understand what the world is like for young people today. I did not grow up in that world. But I DO NOT struggle to understand the needs, wants, and passions of a young person. Why? Because I remember them, just as you remember what it was like to be a 10 year old.

The world changes, but the needs, desires and passions of a young person, stay the same. One more time: I don't understand the "outside world" of a young person today. That has changed. But I DO understand the inner needs, wants and desires of a young person. That has NOT changed, and never will. Make sense?

Now, with all that said, consider this: OTHER older people, who DO NOT LOVE YOU, ALSO understand the needs, wants, and passions of a young person. They understand all that, but they DO NOT LOVE YOU. Hmm, what could they do with that knowledge?

Well, their knowledge puts them at an advantage over you, just as you would have an advantage over a 10 year old. If you wanted to swindle a 10 year old out of candy, you could probably do it, right? That would be really mean, but you could do it. But, what if someone older, were doing that to YOU, right now? Would you want to know about it?

As an older person, I do have one little advantage:  I understand people MY AGE.  But where do they come into the picture?  I will tell you. They arethe DEVELOPERS who make the online platforms that you use. These people are older-- MY age! I understand them. And I understand what they are doing, and why. Do you? Do you undersand the mind of an older person? How could you, you have never been an older person. I have been a "young person," but you have never been an "older person."

So--back to the question--you think older people can't understand you? Then consider this puzzle: How did these "older people" get you to use their platforms, so willingly? How did they get millions of young people ADDICTED to their platforms? Because they don't know anything about young people?

OR, is it more likely, they know a WHOLE LOT about young people. They understand them extremely well, because they were once young people themselves.

And because they don't love you, they have no shame about using YOUR needs wants and passions to THEIR profit--and your destruction.

Doesn't sound very nice does it? Kind of like an older kid swindling a younger kid out of candy--and then getting the kid to THANK HIM FOR IT! If you saw that happening, would it not make you angry?

You see-- you ARE listening to older people, already. If you are on their platforms, dancing to their music, responding to their prompts, doing everything they ask of you, and doing it willinglly. Its just, you are listening to older people who don't love you, and are manipulating you.

So its not a question of IF you will listen to older people, such as your parents, but WHICH older people will you listen to. People who love you? Or people who are using you for their profit. Don't see any danger in it? Your older self does. Will you listen?

Could it be, that your parents who love you, see people THEIR AGE taking advantage of you? And they want to stop it, but you trust your abusers, more than those who love you?

Here's some facts you need to consider: Your parents aren't profitting off of you. Not one cent. In fact, they are supporting you--at their own expense, and often great sacrifice.

So who really loves you? Who really...understands you? Think about it.

Maybe its time to start listening to your "older self."